Covid-19: Changes to Statistics

This is a very difficult time for everyone as the UK adjusts to rapid changes in society and the economy. The priority is to protect the health and safety of individuals – including through changing working patterns and practices – and to support the information needs of society.

Organisations that produce official statistics are rightly showing flexibility and adapting what they collect and publish to respond to this new environment. The Office for Statistics Regulation fully supports this flexibility and the responsiveness shown by producers of statistics.

We have prepared a package of measures including guidance on factors that producers should consider when making changes to data collection, statistics production and release. We have also set out an approach to rapid regulatory reviews, potentially including National Statistics status, for any new outputs published by producers which inform the public about the coronavirus and its economic and social impacts. We will support sensible changes to existing production practices.

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OSR endorsements of new statistical outputs during Covid-19 outbreak

During the Covid-19 outbreak, OSR has carried out rapid reviews of new official statistics that have been produced in response to the outbreak. This table provides easy access to information about OSR’s endorsements following those reviews.

Producer bodyStatisticsStatus (NS or OS)Link to published material
ONSCovid-19 statistics from the Opinions and Lifestyle SurveyOSLetter
ONSFaster Economic IndicatorsOSLetter


Exemptions to the Code of Practice for Statistics due to Covid-19 outbreak

This table notes exemptions to the normal practices of the Code of Practice for Statistics that OSR has agreed with statistical producer bodies in the light of the Covid-19 outbreak following OSR guidance.

Producer bodyStatisticsNature of exemptionDuration Relevant links if any
Office for National StatisticsMarket sensitive economic statisticsPublish market sensitive statistics at 7am rather than 9.30am in the absence of media lock-insUntil further noticeLetter and reply
Welsh GovernmentKey economic statisticsPublish market sensitive statistics at 7am rather than 9.30am to coordinate with ONS releasesUntil further noticeLetter and reply
Scottish GovernmentKey economic statisticsPublish market sensitive statistics at 7am rather than 9.30am to coordinate with ONS releasesUntil further noticeLetter and reply
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research AgencyMarket sensitive economic statisticsPublish market sensitive statistics at 7am rather than 9.30am to coordinate with ONS releasesUntil further noticeLetter and reply
HM TreasuryUK Official Holdings of International ReservesPublish market sensitive statistics at 7am rather than 9.30am to coordinate with ONS releasesUntil further noticeLetter from Ed Humpherson
National Records of ScotlandWeekly death statisticsPublish statistics at noon rather than 9.30am to allow for quality assuranceUntil further noticeLetter from Ed Humpherson


Suspensions of National Statistics designations due to Covid-19 outbreak

Official statistics that have been assessed to meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value expected by the Code of Practice for Statistics are assigned National Statistics status. This table lists those statistics that will continue to be produced but where, because of the Covid-19 outbreak, it has not been possible for the producer body to comply with the Code of Practice in full. In those cases National Statistics status has been suspended.

Producer bodyStatisticsReasons for suspensionDuration Relevant links if any


Changes to statistical series due to Covid-19 outbreak

This table provides ready access to details of National Statistics series that have been changed, or temporarily suspended due to the Covid-19 outbreak. This is separate from those series that are ongoing but have had their National Statistics status suspended. The changes are broadly categorised as:

(1) publishing less detail (industry, geography, occupation etc) than usual

(2) publishing less frequently than usual

(3) publishing more slowly than usual

(4) publishing less commentary than usual

(5) publication suspended

Producer bodyStatisticsChangesDuration Relevant links if any
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Northern Ireland tourism statisticsTemporarily ceasing production 1Until further notice8 April 2020: