Latest from the Director General for Regulation

Today we are launching a new suite of webpages that bring together information about the range of interventions by the Authority’s regulatory function in respect of health and care statistics. In 2016/17, we are continuing with our strategic programme to drive improvements to health and care statistics with the aim of maximising their value to the UK public and today’s innovation reflects my ambition to secure the impact of our work to foster such sustained improvements.

I will be writing here regularly in the coming months to share my latest reflections about how statistics producers are responding to the challenges of enhancing health and care statistics to better serve the public good, and to update you on the Authority’s direction of travel.

One of the next steps that we look forward to on this journey is a Better Statistics Better Decisions Health and Care Summit on 8 July. Heads of Profession from the statistics producers are working together now to inform their contributions to the event, reviewing progress and plans in relation to the themes emerging from a Round Table that I convened in February this year of many of the leaders of the English health and care system. I look forward very much to hearing from them, and I also appreciate the help of the Health Statistics User Group to ensure that the event delivers a strong and diverse user voice.

Ed Humpherson
Director General for Regulation
18 May 2016