Dear Mr Balfour

Thank you for your letter raising your concerns about the Scottish Health and Wellbeing Census (HWBC).

Many of the issues about data governance and sharing procedures discussed by your constituents are out of remit for the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and fall within the remit of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). However, I have addressed your comments relating to the OSR’s letter to the Scottish Government, published in July 2022.

This letter set out that the Scottish Government needed to review the approach it took to question development including the “legal and ethical governance arrangements that are in place for asking questions of each age range”. Please note that the OSR did not request the Scottish Government to undertake a review of the survey and data governance processes as a whole.

It is regrettable that the outcomes of this review have not yet been made public and the OSR has now written to the Scottish Government to set the expectation that this is rectified within the next 30 days.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Robert Chote


Related links

Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish Health and Wellbeing Census

Jeremy Balfour MSP to Ed Humpherson – Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland