Sir David Norgrove writes to Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Opposition.

Dear Mr Corbyn,

Full Fact recently drew the Authority’s attention to statements you made during the launch of a new policy providing free bus travel for young people. We were asked to investigate the evidence for the claim that Labour’s policy “could save young people up to £1,000 a year.

The Code of Practice for Statistics requires that assumptions and methodologies are published at the time a claim is made, or earlier. I regret to say that the source of the average fare used to calculate this claim remains unclear and the analysis underpinning it has not been published.

I wrote in a similar vein in February to the then Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions about a claim in relation to Universal Credit. I am sure you would wish the Labour Party to apply the appropriate standards in its use of data and analysis. The Authority would be happy to provide information on how the Code of Practice for Statistics can best be used to support the quality of statistical work.

I am copying this letter to the Director of Full Fact and the Shadow Secretary of State for Transport.

Yours sincerely,

Sir David Norgrove


Related links

Statements on Labour Party’s Inclusive Ownership Funds policy (October 2018)

Full Fact, ‘Would free bus travel save young people £1,000 a year?’

Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, tweet on 12th April 2018
Sir David Norgrove to Debbie Debbie Abrahams MP February 2018