Parliamentary Committee Submissions
The UK Statistics Authority, as an independent body accountable to Parliament, regularly engages with parliaments across the UK. In particular, the Authority does this through evidence to relevant select committee inquiries. This ensures that policy makers across the UK are making decisions informed by a sound evidence base, while developing the role of official statistics in democratic debate.
Please email any enquiries to the Parliamentary team
181 submissions found
Office for National Statistics response to the International Trade Committee’s report on Inward Foreign Direct Investment
17 December 2021
Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics to Angus MacNeil MP, International Trade Committee
Office for National Statistics correspondence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee regarding the UK Statistics (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021
23 November 2021
Professor Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics to William Wragg MP, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee
Office for Statistics Regulation oral evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s inquiry on Data and Digital Services in Health and Social Care
23 November 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Gillian Martin MSP, Health and Sport Committee (Scottish Parliament)
Office for National Statistics written evidence to the Lord’s European Affairs Committee’s inquiry on trade in goods
29 October 2021
Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics to The Earl of Kinnoull, Lords European Affairs Committee
Office for National Statistics written evidence to the Lord’s Youth Unemployment Committee’s inquiry on youth unemployment
22 October 2021
Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics to The Lord Shipley OBE, Lords Youth Unemployment Committee
UK Statistics Authority oral evidence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee’s inquiry on the work of the UK Statistics Authority
21 October 2021
Sir David Norgrove, Sir Ian Diamond and Ed Humpherson, UK Statistics Authority to William Wragg MP, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee
Office for National Statistics follow-up written evidence to the Treasury Committee’s inquiry on an Equal Recovery
18 October 2021
Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics to Mel Stride MP, Treasury Select Committee
Office for National Statistics oral evidence to the Treasury Committee’s inquiry on an Equal Recovery
15 September 2021
Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics to Mel Stride MP, Treasury Select Committee
Office for National Statistics oral evidence to the Lords Youth Unemployment Committee’s inquiry on youth unemployment
14 September 2021
Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics to The Lord Shipley OBE, Lords Youth Unemployment Committee
Office for National Statistics correspondence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee regarding data ethics
10 August 2021
Professor Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics to William Wragg MP, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee