Inclusive Data Principle 8: Accessibility
About Principle 8: Ensure UK data and evidence are equally accessible to all, while protecting the identity and confidentiality of those sharing their data.
There are 46 commitments under Principle 7. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the commitments by their RAG status. Most commitments were green or complete (50% and 43% respectively). Below we describe a project by the Scottish Government involving the development of the Equalities Evidence Finder.
Figure 9: RAG status of all 46 IDTF commitments under Inclusive Data Principle 8
Case study: Development of the Equalities Evidence Finder, Scottish Government
Commitment 8.2.3:
Scottish Government will continue to update and improve the Equality Evidence Finder (EEF), liaising with users to ensure it meets needs.
The Scottish Government and its partners have been working to improve the quantity and quality of evidence which they gather and use within policy making. The Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP), launched in 2021, has involved a series of activities to understand barriers to equality data collection, develop good practice guidance and case study examples, and progress data development in priority areas.
It has resulted in the publication and implementation of Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025, which includes three core principles:
- More robust and comprehensive data and evidence will be gathered on the intersecting characteristics of people in Scotland across a range of outcomes.
- Equality evidence will be made more easily accessible so users will be able to access what they need, when they need it.
- Good practice will be shared and promoted to support increased confidence and competence in the production and use of robust equality evidence.
The Equality Evidence Finder (EEF) is an interactive database with the purpose of bringing together the latest statistics and research for Scotland across a range of different equality characteristics and policy areas. It was first developed in 2012 and has since been maintained by Scottish Government’s Equality Analysis Team.
The EEF is currently being reviewed and a technical development plan is being prepared within the Equality Analysis Team, which will outline plans to improve further the provision of Scottish equalities evidence by enhancing accessibility and usability of the Evidence Finder. This aims to explore the addition of new features, such as the presentation of intersectional evidence to allow for insights into the outcomes of people with intersecting characteristics.
The team continues to ensure the EEF is maintained, draws on the most up-to-date data, and meets accessibility requirements. Future improvement plans currently involve:
- ongoing engagement with data users, such as policymakers, analysts, and members of the public using existing channels to ensure development plans are driven by users’ needs
- taking an agile approach to implementing iterative testing and development plans
- exploring ways to improve the maintenance of the EEF through automation and streamlining the data update process
- aligning with best practice for dashboard development and Scottish Government Design Systems
- enhancing the technical skills of the team involved in the EEF development.