Priorities and performance
How spending relates to objectives
All expenditure is classified as RDEL-Programme. Each of the subheads contribute to all corporate objectives, therefore a breakdown on expenditure against each objective has not been provided.
Measures of performance against each priority
The ONS Strategic Business Plan details the high-level objectives for the Statistics Board and its performance measures.
Major projects
The Future Population and Migration Statistics Programme (FPMS), will enable transformed methods for delivering population and migration statistics, and will further transform ONS social and household statistics. The new system will provide an opportunity to provide users with more timely and frequent estimates of the population whilst also providing more rapid information on the population and society of today. A consultation and wide user engagement was undertaken during 2023/24 on the proposed methods which will inform the National Statistician’s recommendation later in 2024. The evidence gathered through this work will be used to further inform the transformed statistical system delivered through FPMS.
Integrated Data Service Programme (IDSP) supports UKSA’s ongoing contribution to the Government’s National Data Strategy to unlock the power of data across government and the wider economy, while building trust in its use. As part of SR21, ONS received funding approval of £62.3m for 2022/23, £62.8m for 2023/24 and £55.3m for 2024/25. The ONS has continued to deliver against the IDSP programme milestones including the initial Public Beta in 2022 and full Public Beta in 2023.
The Ambitious Radical Inclusive Economic Statistics (ARIES) Programme aims to continue our longstanding commitment to improving the quality and value of our economic statistics. The Programme aims to embed this ongoing statistical development work, enabling us to continue to support the delivery of UK government priorities, generating value and providing security for the vital workstreams, in part by bringing into scope closely linked socio-economic and environmental measures which align to government priorities. Its strategic aim is to deliver clear, insightful economic, social, and environmental statistics to inform decision-making across the UK in an inclusive, timely and sustainable way. As part of SR21, ONS secured funding of £22.011m for 2022/23, £19.737m for 2023/24 and £17.663m for 2024/25.