Time Item Details
11:00 -11:05
5 mins
Welcome, previous minutes and actions Meeting of 08.06.2023
Prof. David Hand
11:05 -11:45
40 mins
Discussion with User –
Lucy Woodbine and Jeremy Cox
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Oral update
11:45 -12:20
35 mins
Crime Statistics NSEUAC(23)06
Liz McKeown
12:20 -12:50
30 mins
Integrated Data Service NSEUAC(23)07
Jason Yaxley
12:50 -12:55
5 mins
Forward Agenda Discussion
12:55 -13:00
5 mins
Any other business Prof. David Hand

Next meeting: Thursday 7 December, In-Person, Marsham Street, London

Members Present

  • Prof. David Hand (Chair)
  • Robert Bumpstead
  • Sarah Cumbers
  • Prof. Ian Diamond
  • Edward Humpherson
  • Sarah Moore
  • Professor Ann Phoenix (for items 1 and 2)

In attendance

  • Julian Cox (for item 2)
  • Denise Lievesley
  • John Marais (for item 3)
  • Joe Moore
  • Libby Richards (for item 2)
  • Becky Tinsley (for item 2)
  • Lucy Woodbine (for item 2)
  • Jason Yaxley (for item 4)


  • Laura Evans
  • Tom Marsh


  • Professor Paul Allin
  • Dame Kate Barker
  • Helen Boaden
  • Professor Paul Boyle
  • Sir Bernard Silverman
  • Jane Falkingham
  • Diane Coyle

1. Minutes and matters arising

  1. Members were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were noted. The Chair welcomed Denise Lievesley who was conducting an Independent Review of the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) on behalf of the Cabinet Office. The minutes of the meeting on 8 June 2023 were agreed and all actions had been closed.

2. Discussion with User

  1. Lucy Woodbine, Principal, Planning and Housing Research and Julian Cox, Assistant Director of Research at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) attended to reflect on their experience as users of official statistics. They explained how they used statistics and provided suggestions for the Office for National Statistics (ONS) which would further support the GMCA and local areas. Members were asked to offer support to the data partnership between Government, GMCA and West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and explained the benefits of making data available at a local level.
  2. Members welcomed the presentation and the continued collaborative working. Becky Tinsley would continue the ONS’ engagement with GMCA.

3. Crime Statistics [NSEAUC(23)06]

  1. John Marais, Deputy Director, Crime, Income and Wealth outlined developments in ONS crime statistics and highlighted differences in data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales in comparison to Police Recorded Crime (PRC) data and their uses.
  2. Ed Humpherson shared information on the Office for Statistics Regulation’s (OSR) review of the quality of PRC statistics which aimed to identify the extent of quality improvements since designation was previously removed in England and Wales in 2014.
  3. Considerable engagement had taken place with stakeholders including police forces and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary.
  4. Members discussed the range of users of crime statistics, and discussed how to engage with a wider group of users, particularly those outside of government policymaking roles, like academia and international users. Members were asked to continue providing their advice on gaps in the organisation’s engagement plans.

4. Integrated Data Service Discussion [NSEAUC(23)07]

  1. Jason Yaxley, Programme Director and Julian McCrae, Deputy Director of the Integrated Data Service Strategy provided an update on the Integrated Data Service. It was anticipated that the project would achieve Digital Economy Act (DEA) accreditation in September which would enable a significant increase in the number of users. The project status was amber/red, and members discussed steps being taken to return the programme to amber.
  2. Members were asked to continue championing the IDS, identifying opportunities for engagement within the wider research community.

5. Forward Agenda

  1. Members discussed the following items for future agendas:
    1. Artificial Intelligence in statistical production;
    2. UKSA strategy;
    3. relationship between ONS and the Royal Statistical Society (RSS);
    4. call to evidence for the Code of Practice for Statistics; and
    5. how ONS promotes the value of statistics in society.
  2. Members were asked to provide further suggestions in writing.

6. Any other business

  1. The next meeting was due to take place in person in London on 7 December.
  2. Members were informed that a competition would be launched to recruit two new members.
  3. The Chair informed members that a one-day seminar on ‘What is the Future for UKSA’ organised by Better Statistics CIC, was to be held at the RSS on 19 September 2023.