Fourteenth meeting of the National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee

Meeting agenda:

  1. Minutes and matters arising from the previous meeting
  2. ONS strategy towards the use of health data
  3. Improving administrative based population and migration estimates using Hospital Episodes Statistics data
  4. Feasibility study to model health state prevalence estimates for use in the derivation of health state life expectancies in England
  5. Census–Refugee Matching: Feasibility, 2009 cohort (CRM:2009)
  6. ONS uses of DWP data for Statistical Purposes
  7. Informing GLA’s local development planning responsibilities under the New London Plan
  8. Estimation of price elasticities of demand for alcohol and tobacco products in the United Kingdom
  9. ADRP – Developing persistent dataset for projects within the Data for Children research theme
  10. Child abuse feasibility study Oral Report
  11. Any other business