Crime Statistics Advisory Committee Correspondence

John Pullinger, National StatisticianProfessor Sir Adrian Smith, National Statistician's Crime Statistics Advisory Committee ChairPresentation of violent crime recorded by the police17/10/2017
Professor Sir Adrian Smith, National Statistician's Crime Statistics Advisory Committee ChairJohn Pullinger, National StatisticianPresentation of violent crime recorded by the police10/10/2017
Rt. Hon. Teresa May MPJohn Pullinger, National StatisticianNational Standard for Incident Recording08/04/2016
Professor Jonathan ShepherdProfessor Sir Adrian Smith, National Statistician's Crime Statistics Advisory Committee ChairInformation Sharing to Tackle Violence08/04/2016
John Pullinger, National StatisticianRt. Hon. Teresa May MPNational Standard for Incident Recording22/03/2016
Professor Stephen ShuteRt. Hon. Teresa May MPCrime Statistics Advisory Committee Annual Report 2014/1521/12/2015
Rt Hon Lynne Featherstone MPProfessor Stephen ShuteCrime Statistics Advisory Committee Annual Report 2013/1415/12/2014
Professor Stephen ShuteRt. Hon. Theresa May MPCrime Statistics Advisory Committee Annual Report 2013/1417/11/2014
Professor Stephen ShuteJohn Pullinger, National StatisticianCrime Statistics Advisory Committee annual workshop17/11/2014
Professor Stephen ShuteRt. Hon. Theresa May MPAdvice given to the Association of Chief Police Officers21/10/2013
Rt. Hon. Theresa May MPProfessor Stephen ShuteAdvice given to the Office for National Statistics07/03/2013
Professor Stephen ShutePolice and Crime CommissionersCrime and policing statistics27/02/2013
Professor Stephen ShuteRt. Hon. Theresa May MPAdvice given to the Office for National Statistics05/02/2013
Jeremy Browne MPProfessor Stephen ShuteCrime Statistics Advisory Committee Annual Report 2011/1211/11/2012
Professor Stephen ShutePolice and Crime Commissioner CandidatesThe importance of appropriate use of statistics in public08/10/2012
Professor Stephen ShuteRt. Hon. Theresa May MPCrime Statistics Advisory Committee Annual Report 2011/1202/08/2012
Rt. Hon. Theresa May MPProfessor Stephen ShuteRationalising the collection of recorded crime data31/01/2012
Professor Stephen ShuteRt. Hon. Theresa May MPRationalising the collection of recorded crime data27/01/2012