The Parliamentary Unit

As an independent body accountable to Parliament, the Authority regularly engages with parliaments across the UK. 

The Parliamentary Unit co-ordinates and manages this activity, corresponding with, monitoring, and engaging with parliaments across the UK on behalf of the UK Statistics Authority, Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).  

A key responsibility of the Parliamentary Unit is the submission of evidence to relevant select committee inquiries. This work ensures that policy makers across the UK are making decisions informed by a sound evidence base, while also developing the role of official statistics in democratic debate. All evidence submissions from the Authority can be found on the Parliamentary Committee Submissions page.  

If you work for a parliamentarian and have any queries about the work of the Authority, the ONS or OSR, or if you work for a Select Committee and want to know if the Authority can provide evidence; we would be happy to help.  You can contact the Parliamentary team at