Delivery Plan

Our approach to delivery reflects a mixed model of transformation programmes, organisational frameworks and supporting plans, all of which are monitored through the ONS Accountability Framework and/or the ONS portfolio plan.

Key Deliverables

The table below shows the key deliverables for this 2022/23 Strategic Business Plan refresh.

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Sub-National – Ambitious, Radical, Inclusive Economic Statistics (ARIES) Publish ONS Sub-National Work Plan May 2022
Crime Produce and publish quarterly crime in England and Wales estimates, alongside focused analytical articles on topics including Domestic Abuse, Homicide. April 2022
July 2022
October 2022
January 2023
COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS) CIS - Digital Implementation Complete August 2022
Crime Stakeholders consulted and requirements included in future Crime survey design October 2022
CIS CIS – Digital Benefits Realised. October 2022
Analysis Function Analytical capability review of policy officials completed and published. March 2023
Analysis Function Develop Strategy implementation plan, following stakeholder engagement. March 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Integrated Data Services Programme (IDSP) IDSP – Initial Public Beta July 2022
IDSP IDSP – Full Public Beta December 2022
IDSP Live / Basic Integrated Data Service (Full Operating Capability) Complete March 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Prices - ARIES Delivery of Prices Alternative Data sources system June 2022
Prioritised Legacy Replacement Development of the Statistical production Platform to support legacy (Ingres) reduction. September 2022
Prioritised Legacy Replacement Delivery of the Statistical Business Register to support eventual replacement of the IDBR April 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - ARIES GDP / (Gross National Income) GNI - Publication of the UK’s annual Blue Book and Pink Book, including comprehensive measures and performance of the UK economy. October 2022
Labour Market - ARIES Completion of initiation and Discovery phase on the scope for RTI data to transform the Labour Market and development of delivery plan Dec-22
GDP - ARIES GDP / GNI – Verification of outstanding actions are implemented into the ONS National Accounts March 2023
Prices - ARIES Publish a range of supplementary analysis, including a Least Cost Index and inflation calculator, to inform the debate on the cost of living. March 2023
Public Sector – ARIES Fiscal Statistics: New public sector balance sheet and central government expenditure metrics published in a new-style Public Sector Finance release March 2023
Labour Market - ARIES Labour Market Survey meets Economic, Social and Environmental Group’s data and statistical quality requirements (with longitudinal elements to be confirmed later). April 2023
Labour Market - ARIES Labour Market Survey is the primary data source for Labour Market Statistics March 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
2023 Decision Supply evidence on population, migration and social statistics to inform the National Statistician 23 Recommendations future approach February 2023
Census Outputs / 2023 Decision Publish all Census outputs and analysis by end March 2023, this includes achieving National Statistics accreditation by end May 2022 and publishing the First Release from Census by end June 2022. March 2023
2023 Decision Produce business case to support the recommendation on the future approach to Census and Population Statistics December 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Efficiency Framework ONS London office moved to Marsham Street December 2022
Efficiency Framework Efficiencies / Legacy - Move all surveys online March 2023
Efficiency Framework Deliver the 22/23 Efficiency Target of £5.5m through the ONS Efficiency Framework and the various projects and initiatives. March 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Website Development Publish and promote the statistics and analysis of the ONS and ensure user needs are met March 2023
Website Development Deliver dissemination services for the IDSP and Census and build a future-facing publishing and content system March 2023

Priority Area Key Deliverable Due Date
Organisational Resilience Delivery of key milestones in the Inclusion and Diversity Plan including more sophisticated data tools, evolution of our inclusive leadership programmes, strengthening our networks and fully embedding inclusion in our learning and performance management systems. April 2023

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Monitoring, Evaluation and Strategic Benefits

ONS has adopted and embedded Impact Evaluation and Theory of Change principles across the organisation in line with requirements from the joint Cabinet Office and HM Treasury Evaluation Task Force (ETF). Furthermore, ONS recognises the recommendation of the 2020 Magenta Book and 2020 Green Book Reviews that place increased emphasis on measuring impact and the delivery of strategic goals. The monitoring, evaluation and strategic benefits are set out in Annex B.

Strategic Risks

During 2021/22, there has been continued investment in, and focus on, developing the UKSA’s risk maturity. The UKSA Risk and Assurance team is focused on building and providing assurance that risks to the delivery of the UKSA Strategy and ONS Business Plan are managed within risk appetite.

2021/22 saw a number of notable developments, including:

  • Refreshed Quarterly Strategic Risk and Assurance Reports, giving an overview of the evolving external risk profile and the development of associated mitigating actions and controls.
  • The management of the Strategic Risks being considered in the budget allocation / planning process for the first time.
  • The development of a number of tools including Strategic Risk Metrics and Assurance Maps.

As we progress into 2022/23, there will be a continued focus on managing the Strategic Risks related to Security and Quality, as well as ensuring there is a resilient and sustainable model for funding and delivery. There will also be a continued drive to build more professional risk management capabilities across the UKSA in order to ensure a consistent risk and assurance culture and application across all levels of the organisation. This enables us to ensure that we have an effective and connected Lines of Defence framework that is core to the provision of assurance to the Authority Board, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and the Executive, over the management of key risks.

The UKSA’s Strategic Risks, endorsed by the Authority Board are set out in Annex C.  All of them have assigned Risk owners at the senior leadership level and are overseen by the relevant executive governance forum.

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We remain committed to putting users at the heart of our work and are proud that our latest stakeholder insight shows that we are viewed as being collaborative and a valued partner. Close relationships and collaboration with users not only helps us to identify opportunities to improve the quality and coverage of our statistics, it also helps us to be radical and ambitious in setting out to provide answers to society’s most pressing questions. We recently established the National Statistician’s Expert User Advisory Committee (NSEUAC) to bring us even closer to our users and further build the needs of our users into our approach.

Our commitment to inclusivity transcends our statistics; we continually look to expand our engagement to reach as wide a set of users as possible to fully reflect diverse needs. As part of this, we have created the National Statistician’s Advisory Committee to provide a route to building the needs of our users into our approach and an Engagement Hub to provide more resource as we build work with our communities that are inclusive, sustainable and will benefit the whole statistical system.

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