Annex A: Questions asked on the Inclusive Data Online Consultation survey
Section 1: About you
This section asks about you and your interest in inclusive data and evidence.
- What is your name?
- Feedback type: textbox
- What is your email address?
- Feedback type: textbox
- Are you answering on behalf of an organisation or as an individual?
- Feedback type: radio button, single selection
- Possible answers:
- Yes
- No
- If you are answering on behalf of an organisation, what sector do you work in? This will assist us in monitoring the range of people that have responded to this survey.
- Feedback type:radio button, single selection and textbox for “other”
- Possible answers:
- Government department
- Public body (for example health, transport, emergency services)
- Local authority
- Housing
- Academic or research
- Charity and voluntary
- Commercial
- Utility
- Journalist or media
- Other (please specify below)
- Not applicable
- What is the name of the organisation that you represent?
- Feedback type: textbox
- We may wish to contact you in relation to your response or to invite you to attend follow-up events. Would you be happy for us to do so?
- Feedback type: radio button, single selection
- Possible answers:
- Yes
- No
- What is your main area of interest or your broad area of research, in terms of topic and groups that you’re interested in?
- Feedback type: textbox
- To support transparency in our decision-making process, responses to this consultation will be made public. This will include the name of the responding organisation or individual. Please confirm that you are content for your name to be published. We won’t publish personal contact details.
- Feedback type: radio button, single selection
- Possible answers:
- Yes, I consent to my name being published with my response
- No, please remove my name before publishing my response
Section 2: Current Data or Evidence
This section focuses on current data and evidence, what we measure, how we measure it and in what detail.
- Are there any questions you are currently unable to answer because of a lack of data or evidence? If there are any, please tell us what they are.
- Feedback type: textbox
- Please tell us the reasons why you are unable to answer these questions. (Please provide further details below)
- Feedback type: checkbox, multiple selection, and textbox for “something else”
- Possible answers:
- Gaps in the current data?
- Problems with measurement?
- The level of detail available?
- Something else?
Section 3: Data and Evidence Accessibility
This section focuses on how accessible data and evidence are and how clearly they are presented.
- Are you currently able to access the data you need for your purposes? If you are not able to access all the data or evidence you need for your purposes, what data are you unable to access and what are the barriers to you accessing this data?
- Feedback type: radio button, single selection and textbox for “Yes, some of it” and “No, none of it”
- Possible answers:
- Yes, all of it
- Yes, some of it
- No, none of it
- Are there any issues with how the data or evidence that you currently rely on are presented? If so, please provide details
- Feedback type: textbox
Section 4: Making Improvements
This section is about how we can make improvements and learn from what is already working.
- Thinking of all the issues you may have experienced with the data and evidence, which of the following improvements would you like to see? Please provide details.
- Feedback type: checkbox, multiple selection, and textbox for “Anything else”
- Possible answers:
- Fill gaps in the current data?
- Address problems with measurements?
- Improve the level of detail available
- Enable greater access to data?
- Improve presentation of the evidence?
- Anything else?
- Please tell us about how important it is for your purposes that data or evidence are comparable across different geographies, for example, across the 4 countries of the UK, internationally or at a more local level? Please give details of what geographies you would like to be able to compare across.
- Feedback type: textbox
- Please tell us about any impacts you’ve experienced due to a lack of comparable data or evidence.
- Feedback type: textbox
- What change to the current data or evidence would you most like to see to be able to answer the questions that are most relevant to you?
- Feedback type: textbox
- Please tell us about any examples of inclusive data and evidence that you think work well. If relevant, please include a link.
- Feedback type: textbox
- If there is anything else you would like to add that hasn’t already been covered, please share your views here.
- Feedback type: textbox