Gender pay gap report overview

Gender pay and bonus gap

Mean average of the difference between men and women in the gender pay and bonus gap.

The mean gender pay gap is 7.1%, decreasing 0.6% since 2021.
The mean gender bonus gap is 3.3%, decreasing 12.3% since 2021.

Median average of the difference between men and women in the gender pay and bonus gap.

The median gender pay gap is 0.9%, decreasing 1.1% since 2021.
The median gender bonus gap is 0.0%, decreasing 16.7% since 2021.

Proportion of staff receiving a bonus

83.4% of women were awarded a bonus.
16.9% of women did not receive a bonus.

80.1% of men were awarded a bonus.
19.9% of men did not receive a bonus.

The gender pay gap per quartileThe gender pay gap per quartile

Quartile Women Men
Quartile 1 58.8% 41.2%
Quartile 2 61.8% 38.2%
Quartile 3 57.3% 42.7%
Quartile 4 49.7% 50.3%

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